Friday, December 26, 2014

Don't Call it a Comeback!

Boy, it's been a lonnnnggg time! I know a lot of people start blogs....then they stop.  This was going to be me, I am almost 100% sure of it.  I got lazy, life got busy and I didn't think that many people were interested in reading what I had to say. But, over the last few months, I have had a few people ask me am I still blogging. Two of them actually went so far as to say that they looked forward to reading it each week.  They also said it gave them hope and someone they could relate to. So, then I realized I had been thinking about this entirely wrong.  It doesn't matter how many people read it.  I get it....

It's not about me!!! It's not about how many people read it! What if Jesus had me start this blog just to help one person? I am a firm believer that if God puts something on your heart to do, you should do it.  He put it on my heart to start a blog.  He didn't say start this blog and everyone will love it. He didn't say start the blog and if you don't think anyone wants to read it, stop.  He simply wanted me to start writing. When Jesus ask you to do something, it is for a reason.  All we need to do is be obedient.  Lesson learned.

I'm post coming in January!

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